Lake of the Woods - Map & Directions
Use the map above of the Lake of the Woods area to help plan your visit.
If you need any help planning your houseboat rental vacation, please contact us toll-free at 888-454-8825 or select Request Info to submit a request for assistance. Our knowledgeable houseboat rental agents will be happy to answer all of your questions.
Directions to Lake of the Woods
From International Falls, Minnesota: Cross International Border into Fort Frances, Ontario, Canada. Follow Hwy 11 west 55 miles to Hwy 621 North in Sleeman, ON. Turn right and travel 30 miles to the marina in Morson, ON.
From Baudette, Minnesota: Cross International Border into Rainy River, Ontario, Canada. Take Hwy 11 east for 10 miles to Sleeman, ON. Turn right onto Hwy 621 North and travel 30 miles to the marina in Morson, ON.
Gill's Morson Marina
10045 Hwy #621
Lake of the Woods Morson, Ontario Canada
(This address is for driving directions only. Please do not mail payments to this address.)