Lake Don Pedro - Map & Directions
Use the map above of the Lake Don Pedro area to help plan your visit.
If you need any help planning your houseboat rental vacation, please contact us toll-free at 888-454-8825 or select Request Info to submit a request for assistance. Our knowledgeable houseboat rental agents will be happy to answer all of your questions.
Directions to Lake Don Pedro Marina
From Sacramento: Travel I-5 south through Stockton to Highway 120 East. Head east for about 40 miles and turn right onto J-59. Stay on J-59 for about 10 miles and turn left at Bonds Flat Road. Lake Don Pedro Marina is on the west side of Lake Don Pedro at Fleming Meadows.
Don Pedro Marina
11500 Bonds Flat Road
La Grange, CA 95329
(This address is for driving directions only. Please do not mail payments to this address.)